Alexander Kleymenov wrote:

I analyzed this thread and could not find why Archie's suggestion #3
was rejected.
Why we should invent interrupt notification mechanism while Thread has
method interrupted() ?.
This method is from public API, and some interruptable operation can
call it to get know if blocked thread was interrupted or not. And if
the thread was interrupted, this operation acts as specified:
"...and the thread will receive a ClosedByInterruptException"
IIRC, Archie's suggest #3 is about select interruption, so what's your suggestion to implement the blocking I/O interruption?

And even another time, I think maybe I need to emphasize again that the AbstractInterruptibleChannel/AbstractSelector must encapsulate the machinery about the interruption, so that it is easy for Harmony user to create its own interruptible channel.

Andrew Zhang wrote
Oh... Got it, thanks, Archie.
One more question: Where does these code locate? In begin/end method or main
body between begin/end?

This code should be located in blocking operation (read() for example)

Not only Selector, SocketChannel, ServerSocketChannel but also any class who
extends AbstractInterruptibleChannel are interruptible channel. Any
interruptible channel could use begin/end to mark a blocking I/O operation.

I doubt that just calling of this methods will made blocking
operations interruptable. I.e. we should have interruption support in
[interruptable] blocking operation anyway.
I think what Andrew said come from Java spec? Why you think the proposal cannot work?

In the case of implementation of setInterruptAction (as Paulex
proposed) we can fall into the problems with managing of such actions
(multiple consequent begin()s could be an example).
I cannot see why multiple consequent begins() is a problem?

Sorry if I missed something.

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Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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