Hi all,

I want to explain what I'm doing on nio modules now, I've raised Harmony-575 as the first pilot to refactor the nio buffer's tests, the current NIO buffers' test are organized in a very unusual way: test logic are written in many static methods, and some instance method testXXX call them one by one in sequence. I guess the purpose is to get good coverage, there are many kind of buffers hidden in java.nio package, and different kind of instances are constructed in different ways(wrap, allocate, slice, duplicate, asXXXXBuffer, etc), moreover, the buffers can be direct or non-direct, but most of their behavior are same, so it is a little tricky on how to coverage all these kinds of buffers in test.

But this design have some drawbacks :
1. If one assertion fails, the following ones will not be executed .
2. It is hard to determine the actual position where the failure happens .
3. The codes are difficult to understand or extend, if someone want to add one more test method, he may need to add one static method, and add the method invocation to some instance testXXX methods. 4. It is not the usual organization for JUnit test suites, and is difficult to read and understand

I propose to refactor them to hierarchy, different subclasses only need to write a setup() to construct the buffer in different ways, and only overrides the test methods if necessary, for example, the hierarchy for byte buffer tests are:

   -- ByteBufferTest
      -- DirectByteBufferTest
            -- DuplicatedDirectBufferTest
            -- ReadOnlyDirectBufferTest
            -- SliceDirectBufferTest
      -- HeapByteBufferTest
            -- ...
      -- WrappedByteBufferTest

Most test methods locate in AbstractBufferTest and ByteBufferTest, and some subclasses like DirectByteBufferTest may override some tests like testIsDirect(), but the leaves of the hierarchy probably only needs to write a setup(), say, DuplicatedDirectBufferTest may look like:

public class DuplicateDirectByteBufferTest extends DirectByteBufferTest {
   protected void setUp() throws Exception {
       buf = buf.duplicate();

Harmony-575 is to refactor the ByteBuffer tests, and now I'm trying to go on with others, I planned to create one JIRA/patch for one hierarchy, i.e., one kind of buffer(character, float, integer...). I'm glad to listen to the ideas and comments on this.

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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