Andrey Chernyshev wrote:
> On 6/29/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Andrey Chernyshev wrote:
>> > Hello,
>> >
>> > In addition to the already proposed generic tasks like 5.0 support or
>> > concurrent GC mentioned by Ivan, I'd like to add some more specific
>> > things that might be interesting for people to look at as well:
>> >
>> > (1) Complete Java bytecode verifier
>> > Class structure verification and subroutines (e.g. finally blocks) has
>> > to be added to the bytecode verifier in order to make it
>> > full-functional (as required by JVMS spec).
>> Do you think that it will be complete at that point?  It's my
>> understanding that it's fairly difficult and subtle to get it right.
>> I'm hoping that we can just get that from Sun :)
> Actually I'm not sure if RI is doing all of this, but if it does, it
> could be a problem for us to pass the TCK.  Are you saying it might be
> possible to somehow borrow a verifier from reference VM? :)

I can always dream, can't I?

>> >
>> > (2) Handling out of C memory conditions
>> > VM must throw OutOfMemoryException when there is a lack of C memory.
>> > For example, if local or global handle cannot be allocated then OOME
>> > should be thrown – OutOfMemoryException must be thrown (this is
>> > required by JNI/JVMTI spec).
>> What does it do now?
> Most likely it will exit with assert in the debug mode and will crash
> in the release mode. The code currently does malloc() and then
> memset()
> (I was looking at oh_allocate_object_handle() function in
> object_handle.cpp. It seems it is eventually called if one does
> NewGlobalRef(), for example).
> RI fails more gently in that case saying something like:
> "Exception in thread "main" java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: requested 152
> bytes for CHeapObj-new. Out of swap space?"

An OOM would be good here... it goes without saying...


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