Nathan Beyer wrote:
> Based on what I've seen of the excluded tests, category 1 is the predominate
> case. This could be validated by looking at old revisions in SVN.

I'm sure that is true, I'm just saying that the build system 'normal'
state is that all enabled tests pass.  My concern was over your
statement you have had failing tests for months.

What is failing for you now?


>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Geir Magnusson Jr [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Is this the case where we have two 'categories'?
>>   1) tests that never worked
>>   2) tests that recently broke
>> I think that a #2 should never persist for more than one build
>> iteration, as either things get fixed or backed out.  I suppose then we
>> are really talking about category #1, and that we don't have the "broken
>> window" problem as we never had the window there in the first place?
>> I think it's important to understand this (if it's actually true).
>> geir
>> Tim Ellison wrote:
>>> Nathan Beyer wrote:
>>>> How are other projects handling this? My opinion is that tests, which
>> are
>>>> expected and know to pass should always be running and if they fail and
>> the
>>>> failure can be independently recreated, then it's something to be
>> posted on
>>>> the list, if trivial (typo in build file?), or logged as a JIRA issue.
>>> Agreed, the tests we have enabled are run on each build (hourly if
>>> things are being committed), and failures are sent to commit list.
>>>> If it's broken for a significant amount of time (weeks, months), then
>> rather
>>>> than excluding the test, I would propose moving it to a "broken" or
>>>> "possibly invalid" source folder that's out of the test path. If it
>> doesn't
>>>> already have JIRA issue, then one should be created.
>>> Yes, though I'd be inclined to move it sooner -- tests should not stay
>>> broken for more than a couple of days.
>>> Recently our breakages have been invalid tests rather than broken
>>> implementation, but they still need to be investigated/resolved.
>>>> I've been living with consistently failing tests for a long time now.
>>>> Recently it was the unstable Socket tests, but I've been seeing the
>> WinXP
>>>> long file name [1] test failing for months.
>>> IMHO you should be shouting about it!  The alternative is that we
>>> tolerate a few broken windows and overall quality slips.
>>>> I think we may be unnecessarily complicating some of this by assuming
>> that
>>>> all of the donated tests that are currently excluded and failing are
>>>> completely valid. I believe that the currently excluded tests are
>> either
>>>> failing because they aren't isolated according to the suggested test
>> layout
>>>> or they are invalid test; I suspect that HARMONY-619 [1] is a case of
>> the
>>>> later.
>>>> So I go back to my original suggestion, implement the testing proposal,
>> then
>>>> fix/move any excluded tests to where they work properly or determine
>> that
>>>> they are invalid and delete them.
>>> Yes, the tests do need improvements too.
>>> Regards,
>>> Tim
>>>> [1]
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