
I also was stumbled by this failure, especially as the VM provides
scanty diagnostics about it's reason:

*** Error: exception occured in main Thread constructor.
JNI.ExceptionDescribe: java/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError:

java/lang/ExceptionInInitializerError : (null)
ERROR: Destructive unwinding: C++ objects detected on stack!
 droping 0x0012F3A4
setting curr 0x0012F51C

But the stack trace you managed to obtain (how did you, BTW?) prompted
me an extra bootstrap dependency in the j.l.ClassLoader which must be
fixed. Namely, there is a field "defaultDomain", which is incorrectly
initialized in static block, rather than be created lazily as API
specification requires (see javadoc for defineClass(String, byte[],
int, int, ProtectionDomain) ).

Alexey Varlamov

It looks like the most recent changes to classlib in file operations created
an unresolved bootstrap dependency if security/ directory with its rules and
policies is copied from classlib's lib/ to drlvm lib/ directory. In this case
security cannot initialize correctly because the field
FileInputStream.fileSystem is null at the moment when it is needed. Stack
trace looks like this:

****** STACK DUMP: ************
java/io/FileInputStream.<init>(Ljava/io/File;)V (
java/security/Security$; (
java/security/Security.<clinit>()V (
java/security/Policy.getPolicy()Ljava/security/Policy; (
java/lang/ClassLoader.<clinit>()V (NULL:-1)
java/lang/Class.desiredAssertionStatus()Z (NULL:-1)
java/util/HashMap.<clinit>()V (
org/apache/harmony/luni/platform/Platform.<clinit>()V (
java/lang/System.createErr()Ljava/io/PrintStream; (NULL:-1)
java/lang/System.<clinit>()V (NULL:-1)
java/lang/Thread.<init>()V (NULL:-1)

At first I was curious as to why FileInputStream.<clinit> is not in the stack,
but I did bytecode dump and found that Sun's javac 1.5 optimized <init>
methods to include <clinit> code into them. So it included line

private IFileSystem fileSystem = Platform.getFileSystem();

into constructor's code and so the value of IFileSystem FILE_SYSTEM from
Platform was returned. But since Platform.<clinit> is clearly in the stack,
Platform's <clinit> was not finished yet by that time. Dumping bytecode for
compiled Platform shows that line 34 is really the assignment of constant
NETWORK_SYSTEM which turns out to be null later down the stack.

This is a quite fundamental problem with classlib's bootstrap and we don't
have any defined bootstrap sequence. When something is initialized in
<clinit> there is no way to be 100% sure it is really initialized in many
classes which are commonly used because <clinit> is called only once and
bootstrap recursion may get to call some methods of a class before <clinit>
actually completes. The workaround for this is instead of using

   Whatever WHATEVER1 = Something.something();

   Whatever WHATEVER2 = new Whatever();

do the following

   method() {
       if (WHATEVER1 == null)
           WHATEVER1 = Something.something();

       if (WHATEVER2 == null)
           WHATEVER2 = new Whatever();

but this is ugly, inefficient and my in theory turn classlib bootstrap into
infinite recursion.

I don't know a general solution for this. The order of class resolution, java
compiler optimizations and other factors may affect the bootstrap sequence.

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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