Thorbjørn Ravn Andersen wrote:
> Oliver Deakin skrev  den 27-06-2006 12:25:
>> Do you mean the header files in deploy/include? If so, the reason they
>> are copied
>> there is so that they are in a shared location for all modules. (In
>> fact it's the same
>> reason that libs are built into deploy/lib and makefile includes are
>> copied into
>> deploy/build/make).
> So it is basically a platform agnostic symbolic link?
> Personally I do not like doing it so, would it be possible to do it with
> -I's instead so we do not have redundant copies lying around?

No, the idea is that the deploy/include and deploy/lib directories
contain the build time dependencies between modules.

You can start with a pre-built deploy directory, which we are calling
the Harmony Development Kit (HDK), and work on a single classlib module.

We wanted to avoid the need for somebody working on a given module to be
forced to check-out/build the entire class library; and have
well-defined interfaces between modules so that they can be replaced or
evolve at different rates, etc.


>> As a consequence, they could also *only* checkout the module they are
>> interested in, rather than the whole of classlib/trunk, and still be
>> able to rebuild
>> their altered code.
> I have heard this discussion, but I am not convinced that having lots of
> different building enviroments is a good idea.

Do you consider that we have 'lots of different building environments' now?


> I can however also appreciate tolerable build times :)


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