Vladimir Gorr wrote:
> Agree. However we should have the possibility to run the class library
> tests
> against any VM.
> AFAIK we cannot provide this thing right now (java launcher requests the
> clearvm library).

That is the default name, but you can change it with a command line
option -vm: and put it in a directory specified by -vmdir:,

e.g. java -vmdir:drlvm -vm:foo

look in jre/bin/drlvm for a library called foo.[so|dll] that exports the
JNI_CreateJavaVM etc.

The idea is that you can have multiple VMs in deploy and choose which
you use at runtime.


> All class library tests are run under J9 as default VM. I'd be not bad to
> start running these tests
> against DRLVM as well. Otherwise the tests for the JIRA issues mentioned in
> this thread
> will be useless if we put them on the class lib modules. Correct?
> Thanks,
> Vladimir.
>> Regards,
>> Mark.
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