Gregory Shimansky skrev  den 01-06-2006 23:34:
First I decided to use the current MS free software to repeat what is done
by commercial. Nowdays MS offers VS.NET 2005 express edition (no earlier
verions are available for download as far as I could find) and Platform SDK Server 2003 R2 (at first I've downloaded an earlier one but later upgraded to 2006 year version). The VS 2005 brings some new nuisances which software
written outside of Redmond wasn't ready for.
I have now played a bit around with this, and I would like to have you confirm that the software above is the _ONLY_ Visual Studio stuff installed on your machine?

The reason for this is that I have Visual Studio C++ Express, Platform Server 2003 SDK R2 (the latest I could find), and MASM installed on my XP box, and I cannot get a runnable deploy/.../jre/java.exe

If I run first the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Platform SDK for Windows Server 2003 R2\SetEnv.cmd" /XP32 command and then the "C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio 8\VC\vcvarsall.bat" I can build all of classlib, but invoking deploy\jdk\jre\bin\java gives me the dreaded "Cannot find MSVCR8.DLL" dialogue box.

I tried looking around on the net for information how to fix this, and changing -MD to -MT did not change anything. All this with manifests and dll is very strange to me so I'm giving up on that for the moment.

If I run the R2\SetEnv.cmd command only (and not the vcvarsall.bat) the compilation fails at the first call to "lib" which cannot find the mscrt.dll (spelling?) library.

I am very confident that you have it running, so I just need to figure out how to get to your configuration :)

Thorbjørn (who is now considering installing vmware to get to a varm, comforting linux environment :)

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