
why did you pass the EBUILD_CFG but not BUILD_CFG?
I believe a reason of your issue is here.


On 7/13/06, Weldon Washburn <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I am trying to use the debugger to step through the write barrier
support that was recently added to Jitrino.JET.  DRLVM is built using
"build.bat -DEBUILD_CFG=debug -DCXX=msvc".  However, it turns out that
"_DEBUG" is not defined and MSVC is definitely optimizing the code.

After looking at the build/make files, I noticed that
drlvm/trunk/build/make/targets/common_vm.xml contains the lines:

           <select cfg="debug">
               <select os="win" cxx="icl">
                   <compilerarg value="/QxN" />
                   <compilerarg value="/Qip" />

               <select os="win" cxx="msvc">
                   <compilerarg value="/Ox" />

The question is about the compiler switches for
cfg="debug",cxx="msvc".  It seems "/Ox" tells the compiler to optimize
the code.   Interestingly its the same compiler switches that are used
in the cfg=release configuration.  Maybe its a cut and paste typo??

In any case, I modified the msvc switches to read as below:

- <select os="win" cxx="msvc">
<compilerarg value="/Od" />
<compilerarg value="/MTd" />
<compilerarg value="/D_DEBUG" />

The code is definitely not optimized which is good.  But the compiler
is still ignoring "/D_DEBUG".  Any suggestions?

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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