Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> I'm integrating HARMONY-536, the JSSE provider.  Two things:
> 1) it's contributed to go into x-net, but the package namespace is
> so I wonder if this would be better off in the security module.  If not,
> we are stuck because we don't have a 'negative' patternset for jar
> packaging, so it's getting sucked into security jar right now anyway :)

IMHO it should be in x-net.  Can't you rename the package?

> 2) I have a little test proggie that shows that it's negotiating w/ the
> other side, but given we have no cacerts, it whines and gives up. (It's
> a reasonable whine...)  Lazily and naively, I threw the cacerts from
> Sun's JRE into jre/lib/security and prayed, but the security deities are
> not smiling on me today.  So, where does/what format/etc/etc should our
> root cert file go?

Dunno.  I know you were just playing, but AIUI the use of root
certificates for popular CA's cost $'s don't they?

Hopefully Boris will enlighten us to the format used.



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