On 7/19/06, Paulex Yang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I tried the test, and it failed as you said with RI on my WinXP. And I
also tried to pass in a read/write FileChannel got from
RandomAccessFile, the test passes.

Paulex, the test fails on my machine!

Seems RI returns 2*length instead of length.

For failure details, please refer to [1].

I consider this is RI's bug, because
no way to have such different behavior in this clear test. So I think we
should follow spec.

I also suggest to report this to Sun JDK bug db as well, because I think
it is not trivial. And I don't believe Sun will at last decide, instead
to fix this, to modify the document as "the behavior is implementation
dependent if the source channel has fewer than count bytes remaining..."

Maybe it will be fixed as: "For FileChannel, the channel will be resized to
the postion+count bytes if  position+count is greater than current file
channel size. " :) Just kidding.

As our compatiblity guideline, we should comply with spec.
But will the behaviour of RI  be considered as illogical? Personally I
think RI's behaviour breaks spec, and is only a bit(very limited)  logical.

Any suggestions/comments?


Jimmy, Jing Lv wrote:
> Hi:
>     I find a conflict that RI does not behave as spec says in
> java.nio.channels.FileChannel.transforFrom(ReadableByteChannel src,
>                              long position,long count).
>     The spec says:"...Fewer than the requested number of bytes will be
> transferred if the source channel has fewer than count bytes
> remaining..."[1]. As expected, invoking this method with a count
> larger than the number of bytes remaining in the ReadableByteChannel,
> RI should return a number of bytes exactly transfered. But in fact, RI
> throws an IOException. I run the test[2] on windowsXP SP2 with
> RI1.5.0_01 and RI1.5.0_06, and on Linux(redhat 9) with RI1.5.0_02 and
> RI1.5.0_06, and get the same result.
>     Currently Harmony behave well on this. I guess this is a bug of
> RI, and Harmony implementation is good. If no objection, I suggest add
> this test to Harmony.
>     Any opinions? Thanks!
> [1] spec of FileChannel:
> [2] the test:
>     public void test_transferFromLReadableByteChannelJJ_overflow()
>             throws Exception {
>         String content = "test content";
>         int length = content.length();
>         File readFile = File.createTempFile("testfile1", "tmp");
>         File writeFile = File.createTempFile("testfile2", "tmp");
>         FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(readFile);
>         try {
>             fos.write(content.getBytes());
>         } finally {
>             fos.close();
>         }
>         FileChannel fc1 = new FileInputStream(readFile).getChannel();
>         FileChannel fc2 = new FileOutputStream(writeFile).getChannel();
>         try {
>             long result = fc2.transferFrom(fc1, 0, length * 2);
>             assertEquals(length, result);
>         } finally {
>             fc1.close();
>             fc2.close();
>         }
>     }

Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<12> but was:<24>
at junit.framework.Assert.fail(Assert.java:47)
at junit.framework.Assert.failNotEquals(Assert.java:282)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:64)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:136)
at junit.framework.Assert.assertEquals(Assert.java:142)
... ...

Andrew Zhang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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