Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
Paulex Yang wrote:
I had same problems several days ago, and I finally resolved it in same
way - move the local copy to c:\harmony. IIRC, some html files in some
sandbox directory has very long names.

These were ser files in modules/security/src/test/something...

We should note this somewhere for the next poor soul using winxp...
Agree, which page is better place to go[1][2][3]? (or any other pages?)

Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
It's hard to imagine I'm writing this in 2006, but it seems that our
paths in classlib, plus a root directory that is some number of
directories from c:, can be so long that svn and other tools choke under

I'm not completely sure, but after battling what appeared to be
problematic .svn/tmp directory problems on a svn checkout with a 'deep'
root, the problem immediately disappeared when I moved to "C:\tmp".

Just an FYI.


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Paulex Yang
China Software Development Lab

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