Weldon Washburn wrote:
> On 7/23/06, Geir Magnusson Jr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>> Are you up-to-date?  We don't have "ij.exe" anymore...
> Actually, I tried several times over the weekend to do a fresh, new
> "svn checkout".  I rolled back to a two week old revision.  classlib
> and drlvm downloaded OK but I get the following compile time error:
>    [javac]
> C:\t_harmony\classlib\trunk\modules\auth\src\main\java\windows\org\a
> pache\harmony\auth\module\NTLoginModule.java:43:
> org.apache.harmony.auth.module.
> NTLoginModule is not abstract and does not override abstract method
> initialize(j
> avax.security.auth.Subject,javax.security.auth.callback.CallbackHandler,java.uti
> l.Map<java.lang.String,?>,java.util.Map<java.lang.String,?>) in
> javax.security.a
> uth.spi.LoginModule
>    [javac] public class NTLoginModule implements LoginModule {
> Since the svn commits don't interact with the build at this point, I
> went back to a two week old tree to demo the MMTk porting bugs.
> This brings up a point.  What should we do when we discover an svn
> checkout and build is broken?  

I'm not convinced it's broken.  I've been building just fine all weekend
 to create the JRE and HDK downloads, so I think that it's local to your

We get broken build messages on the commit list from IBM (and we need to
 add that feature to our build-test infra so other can do that)

> I figure I would wait until Monday to
> retry.  If it is still broken, then start looking at the logs.
> Perhaps we should post a "[classlib] revision 9999999 is broken
> message" with the problem in the body of the message??

Try a fresh checkout and see what happens.


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