On 7/24/06, Alexei Zakharov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Vladimir,

> Cons:

> 1. More complex algorithms of grouping / selecting tests for execution:
> harness (being it Junit, TestNG or my own script) must understand "word"
> mark-up instead of just simple walking directories.

BTW, after brief browsing of the JUnit 4.0 documentation I didn't find
any extra *grouping* capabilities (comparing to JUnit 3.8.1). Only old
TestSuites. Does anybody have more information about this?

I will take a look at JUnit 4.0 and TestNG as well.

> 3. If test characteristics changed we should fix test file, instead of
> moving file, that is easier to track then changes.

I don't think test characteristics (do you mean groups?) can be
changed by itself. I mean Linux -specific test can't immediately
become Windows-specific, it needs someone to update the code.

Right, I just mean that tracking file movement is easier then tracking what
changed in
source code. This in my opinion is minor, but still cons.

After discussing metadata vs. directory layout I want to compose our needs and
requirements to harness which would fit the needs and take a look at JUnit
4.0 vs. TestNG vs. these requirements.
Thanks, Vladimir

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