
The main issue  is that new object can't be created in suspend disabled
mode. DRL VM is in this state during "GC unsafe" operation, when GC have not
been started. New SOE can't be created in this mode. But all information
about exception can be stored in thread local storage. When Vm return
control to managed code, function rethrow_current_thread_exception is
called, and this function can decide to create exception (it's possible
here) or throw it lazy.

Now "lazy exception" supported for MANAGED code only, Alexey propose extend
it for VM code. This technique should fix the most case when exception
should be raised in suspend disabled mode.

About "suspended" mode. It's misprint for suspend disabled mode. Sorry for
confusion. The issue is in check available stack size before entering in
suspend disabled mode, and raise new SOE if available stack size is not

The third point is not really fix. I think it's workaround for cases when VM
can't create new exception object by different reasons. I suppose, VM can
raise pre created SOE  in the case when stack overflow happen in suspend
disabled mode and stack can't be unwound destructively.

Pavel Afremov.

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