Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> Mikhail Fursov wrote:
>> Does it mean that BCEL will be a part of JRE? So we can have problems with
>> different BCEL versions if two of them is in classpath..
> Heh.  I forgot about that.  I was just thinking about licensing terms.
> I assume we can simply treat things as local to the boot classlibath if
> we needed to somehow?

I don't think BCEL will be the only one we will have a problem with:
xerces and xalan come to mind.

Sun changed the package names from org.apache.xerces to
com.sun.apache.xerces to avoid exactly that, they will probably do the
same with rhino for the next versions of the JVM.

It wouldn't be hard to write a "jar rewriter" that would simply change
the package name in every class it finds (based on a regular expression
or something like that).

Another, maybe more elegant solution, would be to create a classloading
architecture that is sealed, but I don't think the current state of java
affairs allows for such a thing to be both compliant and solid.

I do think that it is a shame that Java has not incorporated versioning
with classloading, or has designed a more compartmentalized classloading

But the problem of having part of our class library depend on classes
that have the same name of *different* classes that might be running in
user space is a problem that we have to face because it's going to
surface in pretty much any important java application (and with
appservers it gets even worse)


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