Hi Daniel,

I don't think that there is any special reason for the absence of the classes you mention; the package looks to be incomplete because of lack of time. So far as I am aware there is no one actively working in this area so any contributions you could make would be a terrific help to the project.

As for documentation, it looks like the Javadoc comments in the types already implemented is all there is.

Best regards,

Daniel Gandara wrote:
Hi all, We are working on the javax.naming.ldap package, we know that there is a contributed ldap 1.4 package which is not complete; so we are thinking about extending it to accomplish the Java 1.5 specification and contribute it to the project. That said, it would be very important for us to get in touch with the contributors of the package, to talk about some issues related to the current state of the package implementation. At this point the most important question we have is related with the implementation of the classes StartTlsRequest and StartTlsResponse what are not implemented in the contributed package (classes are missing in the package). We would like to know if there were any special reason why they were not implemented or if the package is still incomplete or under development. Any other development documentation of the package (if available) would be very useful for us too. Best regards, Daniel

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