Vladimir Strigun wrote:


> JavaWorld Benchmark - benchmark for low-level operations: loops,
> accessing variables, method invocation, arithmetic operators, casting,
> instantiation, exception handling, thread creation and switching.

Is this the Volano suite?  I tried to run it, but it has hardwired
locations for the JRE, and all popular implementations of 1.3.  Very funny.

> CaffeineMark 3.0 - low-level benchmark suite, including sieve of
> Eratosthenes, sorting, logic ops, method invocation, floating point,
> simple graphics and GUI ops

I was able to get this to work.

I was impressed that it actually worked. (Ok, there are graphics

With a debug build on Ubuntu6 on a T42 w/ 1G Ram, two runs gave me to
following.  NUmbers for Sun's JDK are in parens

Sieve = 15347 / 17075        (24830)
Loop = 50043 / 50138         (55529)
Logic = 32705 / 32699        (34982)
String = 12504 / 17341       (19216)
Float = 29280 / 32209        (45124)
Method = 45405 / 45361       (37331)
Graphics = 552 / 628         (9069)
Image = 26 / 33              (7966)
Dialog = 103 / 118           (1463)
CaffineMark == 4399 / 4934   (17635)

I'm quite impressed.  IMO, we're holding our own everywhere except
graphcs, and this is a debug build.

This is fun.


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