Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> I responded but it was rejected due to size...
> Nothing was lost, as the comments are in JIRA.  I wanted to get the
> commit to be atomic, as we were accepting a single contribution.

Ah, okay, this explains a lot.
But then, any bulk contribution will look like a ... "bulk",
even if the information about invidual changes is readily available.

As for looking up this information in JIRA, I hardly believe anyone
will ever find it there, because it involves too many steps;
* find HARMONY-XYZ in commit comment
* open browser and find the issue (it may take up to minute on my machine...)
* read the comments, and understand that the changes are attached in zip file
  (yes, I think this step also takes some time)
* download the zip file, and see that there are >30 changes in there
* look through / grep the patches for the change in question
  (this can take different amount of time depending on the person)
* and finally, read the comments that the original author put there

To me personally, the information about individual changes is more valuable
than atomicity of contribution acceptance.

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