Hi to all!

Today I've started the next step of internationalization - to externalize
messages using Eclipse externalization tool. Right away I was confronted
with some questions to discuss:

First of all, what should we do with strings that are not supposed to be
internationalized (constants, initiated variables..)? Should we mark them
" //$NON-NLS-%id%$" comment (Eclipse tool skip such strings during
externalization process)? IMHO there is a sence to do this, marked
strings will not be taken into account next time externalization revision is
required. Objections?

Next point, there is a lot of manual work during messages processing  (unite
messages that are on the several lines of the source code, change messages
with params to the proper formatted messages). When doing this work there
are changes in source code and messages.properties files are made.
As it is manual work - some mistakes could be done, non-critical: usually
wrong message if getString() takes wrong key as a parameter. Is there
supposed a verification that everything is done well?
May be any test cases (at the moment I have no idea how these test cases may
look) or another revision?
Probably the better strategy is to wait if someone who face with wrong
message will inform about that:) Thoughts?

And the last one point. I think the process of internationalization support
must be up-to-date, for this reason after adding new contributions all
messages there are to be internationalized. Probably there is a sence to
make rule to do this routinely after contribution is applied (or even
before, people who are going to make contribution should be acquainted with
internationalization in Harmony to use it in their development process).

Waiting for comments and suggestions!


On 8/2/06, Ilya Okomin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

On 7/27/06, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Ilya Okomin wrote:
> > I share your point of view about Exceptions without description, it
> > isn't user friendly. But I think it will be another sort of 'manual'
> > scan :) There is a need to waste time to analyze surrounding code to
> > provide appropriate message, a bit another sort of work, isn't it? I
> > think the best way would be if all these Exceptions without info are
> > being identified before externalization process is to be ran. For
> > today I'd better postpone the task of initialization 'empty'
> > exceptions until the externalization is finished.
> Sure, I agree that it is a different problem, so have no problem dealing
> with it separately.
> > I've implemented a small tool that generates Message source and
> > MsgHelp source into a desired module. Tool gets a list of modules
> > names from property file (you can specify modules class sources to
> > generate for), then we run over the list and special word '<module>'
> > in Message and MsgHelp source templates files replaced with the
> > specified module name.
> Cool.  You may find it easy to do this using Ant's replace task [1].
> [1] http://ant.apache.org/manual/CoreTasks/replace.html
> > Resulting sources are copied to the o/a/h/<module>/internal/
> > directory. At first I planned to use MsgHelp class from luni but
> > after a while I've decided to avoid dependency on luni module and
> > included generation source file of this class to every module.
> I agree, if you are going to do the template then you might as well
> duplicate the MsgHelp behavior across the modules.  In fact, don't feel
> obliged to maintain the separation of Message and MsgHelp, you may find
> that it makes sense to combine them now.  Your choice.
> > Thus Message or MsgHelp source files can be easy regenerated for a
> > desired set of modules, if anything is changed there. I plan to add
> > creation of a new empty messages.properties files with copyright
> > heading if it is absent for the module.
> Extra credit for that ;-)
> > Also I think that it make sense to changle location to
> > o/a/h/<module>/internal/nls.
> Agreed.
> > Will provide patch with this tool when these changes are to be
> > implemented and checked.
> I'll look forward to seeing it.  Thanks Ilya!

 Several times I was trying to make a post with attached zip-file with the
tool, but unfortunately this letter was rejected as it is spam!!:( I
wonder why?!

Nevertheless, I've created a jira issue [1] with suggested implementation
of the tool for generation classes to support internationalization.

 I'd like to notice that all template files are stored in the msgstool.jarfile 
that is the result of ant build. For this reason this tool will work
only if msgstool.jar file is in the user dir. I have to extract resources
from the jar file (open jar file) and don't know how to do this if jar file
is mentioned in the classpath and isn't located in the user dir. It would be
great if someone knew how to deal with this issue...

Tim, could you look into this tool, is it what we need?
If it's ok, I would start with messages externalization task for modules.



> Regards,
> Tim
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Ilya Okomin
Intel Middleware Products Division

Ilya Okomin
Intel Middleware Products Division

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