On 7 August 2006 at 18:49, Salikh Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Geir,
> you have introduced copying of drlvm deploy directory to get the 'canonical' 
> build location
> so that federated build could pick drlvm at predefined place.
> I think this is an overkill, making the build process longer with no obvious 
> benefits.

If done properly, it should have a benefit.  If all the copying is done
so as to fail if it attempts to overwrite anything, then we can see when
different components of the federated build are overwriting files from
other components.  Otherwise, to catch errors like this, you have to
implement this check at every step in component ant files.  (That isn't 
to say we would prohibit components from overwriting, just that we 
should make such copies explicit to record that we are doing it 


> It also has a downside: contents of 'canonical' deploy directory may be absol
> utely non-predictable
> if you run builds on several machines in shared directory.

> The ability to run build on several different machines (of different architec
> tures)
> in a single network-shared workspace was one of the main reasons to introduce
> longish build directory names like 'win_ia32_msvc_debug'.
> And your original issue of making federated builds can be served better by th
> e
> following change.
> I suggest to remove copying to 'canonical' deploy dir.
> What do you think?
> --- enhanced/trunk/build.xml    (revision 424297)
> +++ enhanced/trunk/build.xml    (working copy)
> @@ -225,14 +225,17 @@
>      <target name="build_vm_unix" if="is.unix">
>          <exec executable="sh" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="build.sh update -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../
> working_classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>          </exec>
>          <exec executable="sh" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="build.sh clean -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../w
> orking_classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>          </exec>
>          <exec executable="sh" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="build.sh -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../working
> _classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>          </exec>
>      </target>
> @@ -241,16 +244,19 @@
>          <exec executable="cmd" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="/c build.bat update -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../..
> /../working_classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>              <env key="CXX" value="msvc"/>
>          </exec>
>          <exec executable="cmd" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="/c build.bat clean -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../
> ../working_classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>              <env key="CXX" value="msvc"/>
>          </exec>
>          <exec executable="cmd" dir="working_vm/build" >
>              <arg line="/c build.bat -Dexternal.dep.CLASSLIB.loc=../../../wor
> king_classlib"/>
> +            <arg line="-Dbuild.deploy.dir=../deploy/jre"/>
>              <env key="BUILD_CFG" value="release"/>
>              <env key="CXX" value="msvc"/>
>          </exec>
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
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