Tim Ellison wrote:
> Anton Rusanov wrote:
>> Or maybe there is already a mechanism to build executables using a
>> special target?
>> If not, how do you think what should be better - build all tools'
>> executables together or to add an individual target for each tool?
>> Should the executables generation be added to the common build or it
>> is better to be done optionally?
> I suggest that all the tools are built together.  The launcher is
> written to run different Java tools by copying the executable into the
> jdk/bin under different names.

Agreed.  I had been toying with this when looking at snapshot issues.

I think we need one program that exec()s itself into ../jre/bin/$NAME,
which hopefully is just the tweaked launcher we have now and use that to
fill in jdk/bin.  Maybe that can be the launcher too, but I think the
launcher has achieved optimum complexity for what it's supposed to do :)


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