Dalibor Topic wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 13, 2006 at 06:46:26PM -0400, Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:

>> Because I want a user population the size of Sun's or IBM's, not GNU
>> Classpath's.
> If you've got credible numbers, I'd appreciate seeing them. The numbers
> I've got show that more people are using GNU Classpath through Kaffe &
> gcj than Sun's or IBM's VM on Debian by a large margin (~ 100%).

I don't have numbers, but Sun, BEA, IBM  have millions of users that
depend on those codebases for the life of their business.

I've never heard of anyone using kaffe+classpath for the life of their

Now, that's not intended to disparage Kaffe or Classpath, as I realize
that like Harmony, they aren't done,  but I was simply responding to the
comparison of the approach to this issue that Sun, IBM and BEA take vs

While the point was simply that there may be things to learn from the
successful commercial vendors on this, I realize now that it would have
been prudent to just keep my mouth shut :)

> See 
> http://people.debian.org/~igloo/popcon-graphs/index.php?packages=sun-java5-jre%2Ckaffe%2Cjava-gcj-compat&show_installed=on&show_vote=on&want_percent=on&want_legend=on&beenhere=1

What exactly are we looking at here?


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