Until we know the license and governance model we don't know anything.

Encouraging to hear the tempo and willingness to discuss with interested
parties though.


Geir Magnusson Jr wrote:
> http://news.com.com/Sun+expands+open-source+Java+plan/2100-7252_3-6105601.html?tag=nefd.top
> Good news.  Last night Sun announced that they should be getting javac
> and hotspot out this year, and doing ME as well (which I was guessing...)
> It will be interesting to see what license.  I'm pulling for  a BSD-ish
> license like MIT so we can use it (they probably won't use Apache
> License because of the FSFs view on it's compatibility with the GPL)
> I had posted something related to this subject yesterday as well (but
> before they announced anything...) :
> http://blogs.codehaus.org/people/geir/archives/001382_open_source_java.html
> geir
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