On 9/15/06, Alexei Zakharov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Tim Ellison wrote:
> yuk!  what is this test trying to achieve?

Andrew Zhang wrote:
> OMG! what's the intention of such assertion?

It seems that the original author of these tests aims to wrote as much
code as possible. To have a nice monthly report may be - I don't know
much details about BB life. And since the PersistenceDelegate test
itself is a rather small class he probably decide that normal tests is
not sufficient... :-)


Let's fix these codes which may bring troubles to Harmony, although the
montly report may look not as good as before. :-)


2006/9/15, Andrew Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> On 9/15/06, Alexei Zakharov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > Hi all,
> >
> > While investigating one of the failed tests from the beans module
> > (PersistenceDelegateTest#*) I have discovered that the test is doing a
> > reverse engineering in fact. It passes some worm-like object to public
> > API method and then analyzes the calling stacktrace of each of its
> > methods by means of
> >
> > StackTraceElement[] eles = (new Throwable()).getStackTrace();
> > if (eles[i].getClassName().equals(…) &&
> > eles[i].getMethodName().equals(..)) {…}
> OMG! what's the intention of such assertion?
> In that way, to enable this test we need to rewrite our code and make
> > it identical to RI's (at least in respect to the stack trace). Such
> > testing technique may be applied to many parts of Java API, not only
> > beans. Of course I can imagine some user application doing this but
> > such people should probably know what they do.
> >
> > Personally I don't like such methods of testing and vote for
> > refactoring of these tests. Other opinions? Thoughts?
>  I strongly agree to refactor these tests!
> Thanks,
> >
> > --
> > Alexei Zakharov,
> > Intel Middleware Product Division
> --
> Andrew Zhang
> China Software Development Lab, IBM

Alexei Zakharov,
Intel Middleware Product Division

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Andrew Zhang
China Software Development Lab, IBM

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