On 19 Sep 2006 18:13:28 +0700, Egor Pasko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On the 0x1E9 day of Apache Harmony Geir Magnusson, Jr. wrote:
> On Sep 19, 2006, at 6:34 AM, Egor Pasko wrote:
> > On the 0x1E9 day of Apache Harmony Geir Magnusson, Jr. wrote:
> >> For grins, can you set JAVA_HOME to the deploy/jre directory and
> >> PATH to
> >>  include jre/bin?
> >
> > lots of grins here :)
> > I set them, it runs well (with my patches, but, anyway), this problem
> What are you patches?

nothing special:
* launcher debug mode (O0, -g)
* libhysig.so included in
* hymem_free_memory commented out in
  (this one is rather experimantal, the root cause was incorrect
   handling of JAVA_HOME)

BTW, I was pointing JAVA_HOME to RI by mistake. Resulting in SIGSEGV
in this case is not the best idea. Can we overcome it in some way?

> > persists:
> > java/lang/UnsatisfiedLinkError : Failed loading library
> > "libhyzlib.so": DSO load failed
> >
> > whooa! I feel more comfortable now :)
> Why?  why did the DSO load fail?

I am afraid, it looks for DSO in ".", which is a wrong assumption :)
I'll take a look, but do not promise to be fast))

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

On my computer, with fresh and clean classlib and drlvm.

Harmony Java launcher
Apache Harmony Launcher : (c) Copyright 1991, 2006 The Apache Software
Foundation or its licensors, as applicable.
java [-vm:vmdll -vmdir:dir -D... [-X...]] [args]
java: /home/ivan/svn/drlvm/trunk/vm/thread/src/thread_native_fat_monitor.c:183:
monitor_wait_impl: Assertion `saved_recursion<1' failed.

./java: error while loading shared libraries: libhysig.so: cannot open
shared object file: No such file or directory

Glibc: 2.3.6
gcc: 3.4.5
Intel Middleware Products Division

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