I agree that it should use the BeanInfo.  Leave Harmony code as-is and
file a non-bug difference JIRA.


Alexei Zakharov wrote:
> <to whom it may concern>
> Greetings to Harmony java beans experts.
> It seems I found another place where RI fails. The behavior of its
> java.beans.DefaultPersistenceDelegate#DefaultPersistenceDelegate(String[])
> IMHO violates at least the following part of the spec (JavaBeans spec
> v1.01 page 57):
> <--
> 8.7. Analyzing a Bean
>  We allow both explicit specification of a bean's exposed
> properties/methods/events and also implicit analysis using design
> patterns.
>  To simplify access to this information, and to make sure that all
> tools apply the same analysis rules, we provide a class
> java.beans.Introspector that should be used to analyze a bean class.
> It allows you to obtain a BeanInfo object that comprehensively
> describes a target bean class.
>  The Introspector class walks over the class/superclass chain of the
> target class. At each level it checks if there is a matching BeanInfo
> class which provides explicit information about the bean, and if so
> uses that explicit information. Otherwise it uses the low level
> reflection APIs to study the target class and uses design patterns to
> analyze its behaviour and then proceeds to continue the introspection
> with its baseclass. (See the Introspector class definition for a full
> description of the analysis rules.)
> <--
> The test below illustrates that RI does not care about explicitly
> specified BeanInfo class and uses the reflection API instead. Please
> note that our implementation behaves correctly in this situation. This
> is the reason why some tests from DefaultPersistenceDelegateTest fail
> - they are "optimized" for this RI behavior.
> The test case:
> ---
> import java.beans.*;
> public class DefaultPDtest {
>    public static class MyFoo {
>        String ugh;
>        public MyFoo(String str) {
>            ugh = str;
>        }
>        public String myget() {
>            return ugh;
>        }
>        public void myset(String val) {
>            ugh = val;
>        }
>    }
>    public static class MyFooBeanInfo extends SimpleBeanInfo {
>        public PropertyDescriptor[] getPropertyDescriptors() {
>            PropertyDescriptor pd;
>            try {
>                pd = new PropertyDescriptor("prop1",
>                        MyFoo.class, "myget", "myset");
>            } catch (IntrospectionException e) {
>                throw new RuntimeException(e);
>            }
>            return new PropertyDescriptor[] { pd };
>        }
>    }
>    public static class MyPersistenceDelegate
>            extends DefaultPersistenceDelegate {
>        public MyPersistenceDelegate(String[] propNames) {
>            super(propNames);
>        }
>        protected Expression instantiate(Object oldInstance, Encoder out) {
>            return super.instantiate(oldInstance, out);
>        }
>    }
>    public static void main(String argv[]) {
>        Encoder enc = new Encoder();
>        MyPersistenceDelegate pd;
>        MyFoo oldBean = new MyFoo("harmony");
>        Expression expr;
>        System.out.println("Test1: arg should be \"harmony\"");
>        pd = new MyPersistenceDelegate(new String[] {"prop1"});
>        expr = pd.instantiate(oldBean, enc);
>        System.out.println("Constructor to call: " + expr);
>        System.out.println("Test2: arg should be null");
>        pd = new MyPersistenceDelegate(new String[] {"ugh"});
>        expr = pd.instantiate(oldBean, enc);
>        System.out.println("Constructor to call: " + expr);
>    }
> }
> Output on RI (Sun 1.5.0_06):
> ---
> Test1: arg should be "harmony"
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: DefaultPDtest$MyFoo.getProp1
> Continuing ...
> Constructor to call: DefaultPDtest$MyFoo=Class.new(null);
> Test2: arg should be null
> Constructor to call: DefaultPDtest$MyFoo=Class.new("harmony");
> Output on Harmony (current):
> ---
> Test1: arg should be "harmony"
> Constructor to call: DefaultPDtest$MyFoo=Class.new("harmony");
> Test2: arg should be null
> class java.lang.NoSuchMethodException: no property for name ugh is found
> Constructor to call: DefaultPDtest$MyFoo=Class.new(null);
> I vote for ignoring RI and following the spec here.
> Thanks for your attention,


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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