On Sep 21, 2006, at 3:12 PM, Tim Ellison wrote:

What does: "allow them to do the follow-on checkout w/o having it do the
build" mean?

When you checkout enhanced/trunk, you get a 'working_classlib' directory, and a 'working_vm' directory that, when you fire off "ant", will be set to be a working tree for both, respectively.

Right now, firing off ant will build the snapshots.

But to make it easy, I'll make a

  $ ant update_dirs

or something that does that step to SVN head w/o the follow on building and snapshot making.

make sense?



Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:

One of the things I was planning to add to our front-page somewhere is the same thing you find when you buy some kind of consumer electronics,
like a camera - a "quick start" page.
We need two of them - "QuickStart for Harmony Users" and "Quickstart for Harmony Contributors", which would be how to get and use the snapshot,
and how to checkout and build the code, respectively.

For the latter, I was going to advocate that people use the
enhanced/trunk approach, as that's a single checkout for them that turns
into the maintainable classlib and drlvm trees.  I do need to add a
target or two to the /trunk/build.xml script to allow them to do the
follow-on checkout w/o having it do the build, but that's easy.

Does anyone have a problem with me advocating this method? It still the
standard classlib and DRLVM trees that a person can svn update, do
diffs, create patches, and if a committer, checkin. But it places them
in a very clear and useful on-disk relationship with each other, that
can then be used for building the snapshot.


This goes w/o saying what we're going to do :) First question will be
"How do I add a new FAQ entry?" with a template for the xdoc.  I was
thinking that this should be hosted on the wiki, but there's something really nice about the permanence of the main site. Maybe the last entry
on the site will be "Where are tehre more FAQs?" with a pointer to a
wiki page, and then if people don't want to do patches to main page,
they can enter them there, and we can harvest easily.


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