
Using windows debugger, I see native/launcher/shared/main.c::invocation()
receive an incoming argument that looks to be a DRLVM version of HyPortLibrary
with all the functions zeroed out.  Does anyone else see this??
Passing a HyPortLibrary
with the function ptrs nulled out is not the primary concern.  At worst,
this will cause a sigsegv and should be straight forward to debug.

The big concern is accidentally using the classlib/HyPortLibrary function
ptr table when DRLVM Threading Manager APIs are intended.  This could cause
all sorts of strange deadlocks.  I have looked at the code to prove or
disprove that the two HyPortLibraries are being confused.  So far, no luck.
There are too many layers to get to the bottom of this quickly.  Does anyone
know the answer to the above question?  If not, should I open a JIRA on this

Weldon Washburn
Intel Middleware Products Division

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