Ya know... I looked and looked for that in the classLoader docs... I kept skipping over it for some reason


Tim Ellison wrote:
Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Tim Ellison wrote:
FWIW the version in the IBM VME explicitly converts '/' to '.' in the
Main-Class: value before looking up the class.

I suggest we support both, IMHO nobody will be relying on it failing
with '/'s.
Sure, but the question is where. JarRunner or ClassLoader...

In JarRunner.

The ClassLoader spec states that :

 Binary names

Any class name provided as a String parameter to methods in ClassLoader
must be a binary name as defined by the Java Language Specification.

Examples of valid class names include:



Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
Looking at HARMONY-1622, I'm not convinced that we need to change
JarRunner in DRLVM, but rather should figure out what the right thing to
do is in classlib.

The issue is having a MainClass in the manifest contain "/" :




My simple quick test showed that the RI will throw an exception with the
/ and be ok w/ the .

Currently, it's reported in 1622 that
o.a.h.a.t.j.u.j.JarOutputStreamTest  fails on the "/" in the main class

I think that's actually right, if we want to conform to the RI. Right
now, though, either J9 does the conversion in it's JarRunner, or
internally it's classloader infrastructure is more tolerant.



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