Mark Hindess wrote:
On 3 October 2006 at 19:16, "Mikhail Loenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2006/10/3, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

Alexey Petrenko wrote:
I agree that downloading of prebuilt libraries is better choice.

So we got only two options:
1. Find prebuilt libraries somewhere.
2. Build them ourselves and store them somewhere.

I've tried to find prebuilt libraries but I was not successful. So it
seems that the only option is to build them ourselves.
And the only question is: Where to store them?

Any ideas?
As I threatened in my original post, I put them in

I could move them to the snapshot directory too, but I figure no one is
going to assume that we are formally distributing them if they are in a
personal directory.
Interesting statement. IANAL, but I'd assume we are

Certainly we are in that sense but I don't think that is the issue Geir
was trying to address.  (This certainly means we needed to meet the
license requirements for distribution - though IIRC they are fairly
minimal for these particular packages.)

The issue is whether the Apache Software Foundation is considered
to be formally responsible or if it is just something Geir is doing

Well, if the project build is tied to it, it should be considered something we are doing as a project *for ourselves*.

In the same way that we stuff things into SVN for our use, we aren't claiming to be a distributor of those things. Sure, it's available to evereyone, but that's because of the open way we work.


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