out of curiosity, do you know why it happens that Intel Compiler
requires librt at build time to resolve symbols in run time, while gcc
works fine w/o this option.

Also parent system libset contains librt, but not being forwarded to
hythread (due to ant bug I believe), but if just copy parent libset to
hythread DRLVM will also crush at run time with another error, I
wonder why.

Thank you.

On 10/4/06, Salikh Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

DRLVM compiled with Intel Compiler 9.0 on Linux/ia32 currently
does not work due to symbol 'clock_gettime' not being found.

A simple build file fix is needed to solve the problem.
It does not affect DRLVM built with gcc.
(Gcc build still works with this modification).

Could anyone commit this change?
Thanks a lot!

--- a/build/make/components/vm/hythr.xml
+++ b/build/make/components/vm/hythr.xml
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@ vm.port,extra.log4cxx, extra.aprutil" />

             <select os="lnx">
+                <syslibset libs="rt" />
                 <linkerarg value="-Wl,-init" />
                 <linkerarg value="-Wl,hythread_library_init" />
value="-Wl,--version-script,${src}/thread/src/hythr.exp" />

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