Alex Astapchuk wrote:
> Tim Ellison wrote:
>> Alex Astapchuk wrote:
>>> Hi Stepan, all,
>>>> I think the spec. statement: "A LoginContext should not be used to
>>>> authenticate more than one Subject." was taken too strict: reusing
>>>> LoginContext object to get the same set of credentials seemed odd.
>>> The decision was mostly about resources.
>>> Indeed, the spec does not specify behavior of LoginContext.
>>> However, the spec is more or less clear in what should the
>>> Login*Module*-s do in response to login/logout/etc.
>>> It states 'login() saves result ...'. It does not warn with
>>> anything like 'check previous state and clean up resources
>>> from previous successful logins'.
>>> The resource clean up is explicitly for abort() and logout().
>> The spec might not say so explicitly, but cleaning up the resources
>> before attempting another login would seem like a reasonable thing to do.
> Oh yeah, with no doubt.
> It's always good to be defensive, and careful, and accurate, and etc,
> etc...
> Especially when you're warned. :-)
> The JAAS tutorial has a TODO-list for LoginModule.login() [1].
> Nothing again about 'should check and clear'.
>>>>> I consider RI's behavior is more reasonable.
>>> I would say it's more dangerous.
>>> The invocation of login() on already logged LoginModule-s
>>> may easily produce a resource leak.
>>> Presuming the authentication is normally not a too frequent
>>> task, such a leak would be really hard to discover and hunt.
>> I don't see why we would have to suffer the leak -- if the state changes
>> are made via API then we have the opportunity to fix things first.
> I was talking about custom LoginModule-s, that may be plugged into an
> app.
> Imagine a developer implementing a LoginModule. Reading through the
> spec, s/he gets no clue s/he must free up resources in login().
> I bet most of existing LoginModule-s do not expect the second call of
> login() after successful commit().
> I did a quick and rough googling on "implements LoginModule" and also
> quick-checked JBoss srcs.
> Surely, in no way this may be considered as a relevant research,
> but from what I see - no one frees anything in login().
> So again, my point is what a call of LoginModule.login() on already
> logged+commited LoginModule may easily introduce a resource leak when an
> application works with a custom LoginModules.

Understood, some occurrences are outside our control.  As you point out
above, we shall be good citizens to the best of our ability.


> [1]


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