Tim Ellison wrote:
We did this topic already <g>  it's even referenced from the website
[1].  So at the risk of repeating my super-super-duper high level view...

Why are we considering putting logging into the class library

Darn it! I was hoping that I could beat you to this, by playing the "straight man" and setting you up so you could say this line, because I *knew* you would say this :) [and I agree]

Is it for our end-users?  Do we expect them to turn on logging and look
at the contents to discover problems in our code? or perhaps discover
problems in their usage of the API?  Both of these seem like flawed

Is it for us as developers?  Putting printf's in the code doesn't seem
like a very efficient way of figuring out how the code works, and just
clutters up the codebase.

I'd also object to having loads of modules depend on logging.

Oh, for that #define I was talking about in the sync object thread.

Actually, I'll start a new thread on this...



Nathan Beyer wrote:
There seem to be a number of places where logging would be useful
within the class library (and Java parts of the VM), but the rules of
engagement seems to be undefined, so it's not being used. Here's my
super-duper high-level swipe at it.

1. Use java.util.logging for normal logging (somewhat obvious).
2. Do not use java.util.logging within luni, security and kernel
modules; this is to prevent cyclical executions.
3. Use the class name for the name of the Logger; this is based on the
assumption that classes will be packaged appropriately such that
logging can be enabled by packages to get sub-system information.
4. Use the java.util.logging.Level javadoc [1] as a guide for the
appropriate logging level for a particular message. When in doubt, be
conservative and use lower levels (less than INFO).

Thoughts, comments? The big question in my mind is what modules must
be isolated from consuming java.util.logging (regarding 2 above). The
other modules that might need isolation are archive and text, but I'm
not sure about that. Any others?


[1] http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api/java/util/logging/Level.html

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