Realistically, we could probably just eliminate all of the Eclipse IDE
files, as they don't really work out of the box anyway, so I always
end up tweaking them anyway or tweaking my setup. For those who do use
Eclipse IDE, a simple script could be create to generate the
appropriate artifacts or it can be done manually. Then we can just add
these files to the ignore list.

BTW - The way I use the Eclipse IDE is to setup a custom "Target
Platform" (a set of folders that contains OSGi bundles/plugins) that
points to the deploy folder build and the support JAR. This assumes
you've run a full build or have a snapshot build. Then, in each
project's .classpath, the  "Required Plugins" container and the JUNIT
variable are set. The "Required Plugins" just takes the current
project's Import-Packages attribute from the manifest and looks at all
of the plugins in the Target Platform and resolves the appropriate
JARs, so the code can compile. The JUNIT variable is for resolving the
JUnit classes, since this isn't explicitly in the OSGi bundles.


On 10/6/06, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
I have a problem with how we do eclipse meta-data in classlib, and I'm
guessing there's some cool trick everyone else knows about.

Right now, tree has lots of mods to modules/*/.settings/* and
modules/*/.classpath, resulting in pain and suffering when I try to do a
commit that spans multiple modules.

How are people solving this?


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