Mark Hindess wrote:
On 10 October 2006 at 20:32, "Alexey Petrenko" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
2006/10/10, Geir Magnusson Jr. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
I'm so sick of this gcc problem.

Lets decide on the versions for GCC and other tools that "will work".  I
feel the same way that mark does re that being able to build on multiple
versions gives a better feeling of goodness and harmony in the universe
and I encourage people to work on other versions (I will), but it's
gotta be the case that we have a "reference toolchain" - that no matter
what, it will work on there, and probably a list of tested versions

So, what tools and what versions are people working with ?   here's a
partial list of mine :

1) WinXP : Visual Studio .NET 2003

2) Linux x86 :
    GCC : 3.4.6
    g++ : 3.4.6
    make : 3.81b4

What are you using?  what other tools should we list?

binutils is pretty important (and for compiling drlvm, the binutils
development package is required - many people, even developers, wouldn't
normally have this).

Agreed - part of my "how to setup a debian box for harmony" list...


I recently setup a new machine (linux) and now have the complete list of
stuff that has to be installed (starting from fresh ubuntu6) and will
post that on the getting started document on teh website.


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Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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