

Thanks a lot for review! AFAIU I need to modify the source tree [1.
DRLVM SOURCE TREE CONTENTS], am I right? Should I add 3 different GC
folders on the top level after "build", for example? 




        +---build          - Files required to build the contribution


        \---vm             - VM source files


            +- doc         - DRLVM Developer's Guide and Getting Started


            +- em          - Execution Manager component responsible for
dynamic optimization


            +- gc          - Garbage Collector component responsible for
allocation and

            |                reclamation of Java* objects in the heap


            +- include     - Set of header files containing external

            |                and inter-component interfaces


Please right me if I'm wrong. :-)





-----Original Message-----
From: Mikhail Fursov [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Wednesday, October 11, 2006 10:41 PM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: README.txt patch Was: [drlvm] NPE is thrown when the kernel
tests are run on Windows at revision 448448



I looked through the README doc. The latest patch looks significantly

then the first one.

The only item is missed is that we have 3 different GC folders today on

top level.



On 10/11/06, Konovalova, Svetlana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:




> Folks,




> I took a close look at the README file and Quick Help pages for users

> and developers [2] and created patches for these three docs [JIRA
1730] <

> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1730>   Taking into

> consideration latest changes, I fixed duplication of info and

> content, and tried to improve language in some places.


> It would be great if someone can find a chance to look at the patches.

> Your feedback is very important!





Mikhail Fursov

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