That is strange behavior, since as you point out it does not set a
parametrized value, however, I wonder if there is some assumption that
the setFoo() method may be a mutator anyway, e.g. setDefaults() or
something like that?  Just guessing.

In this case it may be safer to follow the RI -- but I'm open to persuasion.


Alexei Zakharov wrote:
> Hi all,
> Let me disturb you with another boring "RI inconsistency in beans"
> –type of message. :) It seems I found a bug in RI.  In
> java.beans.EventHandler. I think RI incorrectly determines properties
> here. According to spec, common sense and even the RI's implementation
> of java.beans.Introspector the following bean should not contain any
> properties:
>    public static class MyBean {
>        public void setProp1() {}
>    }
> because "setProp1()" is not a valid setter method – it does not
> contain a new value to set.
> However, the following test fails on RI:
> <---
> import java.beans.*;
> public class TestBeanInfo1 {
>    public static class MyBean {
>        public void setProp1() {}
>    }
>    public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception {
>        MyBean bean = new MyBean();
>        // "prop1" is neither the name of writeable property nor the
> name of any public method
>        Object proxy = EventHandler.create(
>                PropertyChangeListener.class, bean, "prop1");
>        // just to show that Introspector doesn't see the property
> with name "prop1"
>        PropertyDescriptor[] pds = Introspector.getBeanInfo(MyBean.class,
>                Introspector.USE_ALL_BEANINFO).getPropertyDescriptors();
>        for (int i = 0; i < pds.length; i++) {
>            System.out.println("Property found: " + pds[i].getName());
>        }
>        // should throw exception
>        try {
>            ((PropertyChangeListener) proxy).propertyChange(
>                    new PropertyChangeEvent(bean, "prop1", "1", "2"));
>            System.out.println("FAIL");
>        } catch (Throwable t) {
>            System.out.println("PASS");
>        }
>    }
> }
> <---
> So it determines "prop1" as a valid property. IMHO this behavior is
> inconsistent and we should not follow RI. But I like to hear opinions
> from the rest of the community.
> Thanks,


IBM Java technology centre, UK.

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