Andrew Zhang wrote:
On 10/14/06, Alexey Petrenko <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


did you use latest snapshot or build classlib and drlvm from the latest

I downloaded the drlvm from latests snapshot.
I also tried some other applications, and found DRLVM is vulnerable when
running multi-thread application. Has drlvm completed thread functionality?

No, we're still working on that.

btw, my environment is: windows xp & sp2.

can you try to build DRLVM debug and see what it says? That will help... The build is very straightforward.


SY, Alexey

2006/10/14, Andrew Zhang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> PolePosition is a benchmark test suite to compare database engines and
> object-relational mapping technology. ( I tried
> run PolePosition on Harmony(lastest build), but unfortunately vm crashed
> during the execution.
> The DRLVM crashes at the very early stage, while IBM VME crashes after a
> while. No error message is printed out from DRLVM, while IBM VME gives
> following message [1]. Any comments about "jclclear_23.dll" and "the
> info 0012FB7C" ?
> [1] IBM VME error message:
> Unhandled exception
> Type=Segmentation error vmState=0x00040000
> J9Generic_Signal_Number=00000004 ExceptionCode=c0000005
> ExceptionAddress=7F96A8EC ContextFlags=0001003f
> Handler1=7FE50390 Handler2=7FD074F0 InaccessibleAddress=0137D580
> EDI=0074BB40 ESI=0081F100 EAX=11761268 EBX=0137D568
> ECX=0000000C EDX=00000004
> EIP=7F96A8EC ESP=0012F81C EBP=001D5500
> Module=D:\Harmony\deploy\jdk\jre\bin\default\jclclear_23.dll
> Module_base_address=7F950000 Offset_in_DLL=0001a8ec
> Target=2_30_20060727_07300_lHdSMR (Windows XP 5.1 build 2600 Service
Pack 2)
> CPU=x86 (1 logical CPUs) (0x1f77c000 RAM)
> ...
>     _org.apache.harmony.vmi.portlib (extra info: 0012FB7C)
>     -Xjcl:jclclear_23
>     _j2se_j9=136448
> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew Zhang

Alexey A. Petrenko
Intel Middleware Products Division

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