Alexei Zakharov wrote:
If you do want to inject application-level tracing then I'd go for
aspects, which are designed specifically to provide such orthogonal
behavior to the classlib functionality.

I suppose we still need someone to investigate this field and invent
the acceptable solution. I remember Geir volunteered to do something
in this direction.

Ha!  No, I was hoping George would say something.

I'll start another thread w/ a different idea...



2006/10/18, Tim Ellison <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Mikhail Loenko wrote:
> 2006/10/17, Alexander Kleymenov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> Hi Tim
>> BTW, there are some logging capabilities in JSSE provider. You can
>> turn them on by specifying -Djsse=record,prf,socket as an option to
>> VM. Log output could be useful in problem analysis.
> You asked why we need logging. Now we have an example.

I maintain that we should not be putting printf's (i.e. calls to
logging) in the Java code.

We are running on a virtual machine that knows everything about the
executing code, what methods are being invoked, the actual arguments,
the state of the stacks and the heap, etc.  There is much more value in
a good trace story built into the VM than having developers decide a
priori where the problems are going to be.

By adding logging calls you have a much more significant effect on the
code base, you hit performance, modify the stack to log the messages,
bloat the code for readability, and by definition introduce more bugs
and maintenance overhead.

If you do want to inject application-level tracing then I'd go for
aspects, which are designed specifically to provide such orthogonal
behavior to the classlib functionality.

If you look here[1] there is a document that describes the diagnostics
capabilities in the IBM VM that we use to support our customers.



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