
The problem can be easily fixed by changing int16 to unit16 in
atomic16_dec. Do you think this is accaptable way to fix the problem.

BTW, could somebody explain why 16-bit atomic operation is used for
32-bit value?
The suspend_request could be 16bit value some time ago.
Could you please file a JIRA issue with a patch.
It looks reasonable to replace  inc16 by inc32 as a fix.


On 10/19/06, Evgueni Brevnov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Today, I had several hangs of cunit tests. It turned out to be
infinite cycling in
while loop of atomic16_inc/atomic16_dec (see

Here is a snip of assembler code produced by msvc for atomic16_dec:

call        port_atomic_cas16 (10004A90h)
add         esp,0Ch
movzx       edx,ax <-----------------------------zero extention
movsx       eax,word ptr [old_value] <----sign extention
cmp         edx,eax
je          atomic16_inc+45h (10004A15h)

The problem can be easily fixed by changing int16 to unit16 in
atomic16_dec. Do you think this is accaptable way to fix the problem.

BTW, could somebody explain why 16-bit atomic operation is used for
32-bit value?


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