On the 0x20C day of Apache Harmony Sian January wrote:
> Hello,
> I encountered a problem today building on Eclipse, and I just thought I'd
> post about it here in case anyone sees the same problem in the future.  I
> was getting the error:
> *
> C:\eclipse32harmony\eclipse\workspace\Harmony\build.xml:108: The following
> error occurred while executing this line:
> C:\eclipse32harmony\eclipse\workspace\Harmony\make\build-java.xml:127: The
> Eclipse compiler class for Ant could not be found. Please place the ECJ JAR
> in ANT_HOME/lib. The JAR can copied from CLASSLIB_TRUNK/depends/jars/ecj_3.2
> folder after the fetch-depends target has been run.
> *
> The solution to this is to copy ecj_3.2.jar into
> ..\plugins\org.apache.ant_1.6.5\lib and *also* change the Ant settings to
> include this jar (Window > Preferences > Ant > Runtime then select 'Global
> Entries' then 'Add External Jars' and add ecj_3.2.jar from the
> org.apache.ant_1.6.5\lib directory).
> I don't know if many people build on Eclipse, and I know there have been
> some conversations about having too many instructions on the website, but
> since the steps are slightly different for Eclipse I wondered if it might be
> worth augmenting the instructions or adding some Eclipse-specific ones at
> some point?

it is worth our troubleshooting page:

OK to put it?

Egor Pasko, Intel Managed Runtime Division

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