Currently there is a quick hack in make/depends.xml because the awt
dependencies have extensions that use a different convention for
architecture names than the one used in the rest of classlib.

I'm going to fix the README, build.xml files, and makefiles to use the
standard harmony define for *platform* (rather than just architecture[0])
This means that your build might break.  Renaming the libs (*.ia32
=> *.linux.x86, *.ipf => *.linux.x86_64) should fix the problem.
(Re-running fetch-depends should also fix it if you are using symlinks
to system resources although it will leave a few unused symlinks

I'm *not* going to fix the windows .lib file to use windows.x86 since
this would involve creating a new tar in geir's web
space to work smoothly.  But we probably should do this at some point in
the not to distant future.

Any objections?


[0] So we don't have to break it all again when we have macosx.x86 which
wont work with the linux.x86 library file.

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