Well, I don't see any attachments to this message either. Seems it was
lost on the way to harmony-dev.


2006/10/26, Konovalova, Svetlana <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
Now with attachment. Sorry...


-----Original Message-----
From: Konovalova, Svetlana [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 3:47 PM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org; [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Subject: RE: [doc] List of current open doc issues

>I committed 3 5 and 7, but I'd like some other opinions about changing
>the classlibrary section - if things need to be fixed, should we fix
>them rather than remove them?  I'd like the opinions of the authors of
>that stuff...

Geir, thanks for committing the patches 3,5,7.

As for the classlibrary section, I'd like to ask its authors to check
the patches 1 and 2 (unfortunately I do not them by names...).

Speaking about the Building the Apache Harmony Class Library page
asslib.html], which I suggest to remove because it's out-of-date, I'd
like to mention that its important bits of info were removed to the
patches 3 and 5. IMHO we can delete the aforementioned page without any

>> 2. To improve the "How to write GC" doc and update its content:
>> Would be great if someone can decide its fate. :)

>The patch was wrong - it included the navigation.  That's added in the
>rendering process

I'm so sorry about that. I've created another patch, hope it's the right
one. But since I have a problem with logging in to JIRA that is
connected with the machine died in the move, I'd like to ask someone to
apply the attached patch.

Thanks in advance!


-----Original Message-----
From: Geir Magnusson Jr. [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2006 3:01 AM
To: harmony-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [doc] List of current open doc issues

Konovalova, Svetlana wrote:
> Folks,
> I do not want to be too pushy, just have a suggestion to close certain
JIRAs (whenever you'll find a chance).
> 1. To reduce the number of places describing the building process, to
update the content:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1730 and
http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1828 depended from the
first JIRA.
> I've integrated the patches from JIRA-1828 into the ones from
JIRA-1730. So, we can close JIRA-1828 without loosing important info.
> As the result we'll get the following building instructions docs:
> "Getting Started for Contributors" describing how to get configured to
build and work with the Apache Harmony source code.
> Please apply quickhelp_contrib.patch (3)/JIRA-1730
> "Getting Started for Users" providing basic instructions for users
>     wish to use Apache Harmony for running their Java programs.
> Please apply quickhelp_users.patch (5) /JIRA-1730
> README providing instructions on how to point to local
>    versions instead of making the build download new ones from the
> Please, apply README.patch (7) /JIRA-1730
> I've removed the Building the Apache Harmony Class Library page
asslib.html]   because it's out-of-date. In this connection we need to
remove the build_classlib.xml file from the repository.
> I've removed all references to this page from wiki and other site
pages (it increased the number of patches...sorry about that..)
> Please, apply downloads.patch (1) and index.patch (2) /JIRA-1730

I committed 3 5 and 7, but I'd like some other opinions about changing
the classlibrary section - if things need to be fixed, should we fix
them rather than remove them?  I'd like the opinions of the authors of
that stuff...

> 2. To improve the "How to write GC" doc and update its content:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1881
> Would be great if someone can decide its fate. :)

The patch was wrong - it included the navigation.  That's added in the
rendering process

> 3. To make "DRLVM Dev Guide" more up-to-date and nice-to-read:
> http://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/HARMONY-1882
> I'll be glad if you find a chance to look at the patches and apply
them :).
> Thanks in advance!

Alexei Zakharov,
Intel Enterprise Solutions Software Division

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