I've put $subj to JIRA:
Please review, comment and make it commited :)
I can answer any questions about current implementation and it's state in
this thread.

Brief list of changes:
1) gc_cc - helper written in Java added.
2) vmcore - support to bootstrap Java code for components added.
3) build - depends on mmtk.jar now (need ' update')
4) jit - new optimizations: helper inlining, inlining final fields values as

Plans for this week: start to work on monitor's helpers and enable helpers
inlining optimization in all modes with Jitrino.OPT.

The 'linux.emconf' file in JIRA is the opt.emconf with helpers inlining
turned on. You can use this  file to run GC tests. Note, today we have only
allocation helper inlined for objects, not for arrays.

Mikhail Fursov

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