On Tuesday 31 October 2006 00:24 Fedotov, Alexei A wrote:
> Gregory wrote,
> >I need is probably smoke tests category. I need to add building native
> code
> >part and add a custom command line setting somewhere.
> +1
> I believe you need one or two test with a good coverage to check your
> changes regularly. This is enough for acceptance testing.
> This doesn't inhibit the separate category - it would be quite useful
> for thorough testing. But from my perspective this is not the first
> thing to do.

Now if I just could understand the Grand Design behind that huge tangle called 
drlvm ant build... I cannot find a place to start with. I thought eclipse ant 
debugging facilities may help (after I read how to build classlib from 
eclipse), and spent 2 hours trying to give it properties here and there to no 
avail, building drlvm from eclipse didn't work for me so far.

Anyway, I think I've found a path bug with running smoke tests. The paths 
seems to be different depending on what I run "build.sh test" or "build.sh 

This is what I see when I run "build.sh smoke.test"

 -Dvm.assert_dialog=0 -classpath 

If you look closely you'll see that tests are taken from 
vm/interpreter/_smoke.tests/classes while the correct location which is built 
when I run "build.sh test" is vm/_smoke.tests/classes. There is no 
interpreter path in it. If someone knows how to fix it, I'd be grateful.

Now that I've tried it a second time after a full rebuild the path looks like 

 -Dvm.assert_dialog=0 -classpath 

Funny how it works picking up seemingly a random subdirectory in 

Gregory Shimansky, Intel Middleware Products Division

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