Rana Dasgupta wrote:
   The basic difference of this with Etienne's method is that the flag is
on the vtable, instead of the CL instance. Do I understand correctly ? The
GC perf impact is therefore reduced because you need to lookup
object->vtable instead of object->class->CLinstancewhen tracing the heap.
The space overhead is correspondingly slightly higher. Also the GC impact
may look lower because there are a couple of pseudo GC cycles to reset the
vtables and sweep the vtables.


The relevant part of Etienne's design I believe is this:

7- Each class loader structure maintains a set of boolean flags, one
 flag per "non-nursery" garbage collected area (even when thread-local
 heaps are used).  The flag is set when an instance of a class loaded by
 this class leader is moved into the related GC-area.  The flag is unset
 when the GC-area is emptied, or (optionally) when it can be determined
 that no instance of a class loaded by this class loader remains in the
 GC-area.  This is best implemented as follows: a) use an unconditional
 write of "true" in the flag every time an object is moved into the
 GC-area by the garbage collector, b) unset the related flag in "all"
 class loader structures just before collecting a GC-area, then setting
 the flag back when an object survives in the area.

My design differs in several key ways from this:
1. There is no requirement for a per non-nursery area flag
2. The mark byte/word is set unconditionally whenever an object is visited by the GC, not when an object is moved into a particular mature space. This may be the same for some GCs, but not all. 3. The mark byte/word is an unconditional write - Etienne's proposal would use a load/mask/write sequence. This is performance critical. 4. My memory of x86 assembler is a little rusty, but I believe a constant store can be done without requiring a register for the value to be written, where as or-ing a bit value into a word requires a temporary register or two. 5. In a parallel GC, setting bits in a mask requires a synchronized update. My design doesn't.

The point is an unconditional store to a structure you are already accessing is very cheap, whereas register spills, loads and synchronized updates are expensive.


On 10/31/06, Robin Garner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Actually, just thinking about how I would implement this in JikesRVM, I
would use the reachability based algorithm, but piggyback on the
existing GC mechanisms:

- Allocate a byte (or word) in each vtable for the purpose of tracking
class reachability.
- Periodically, at a time when no GC is running (even the most
aggressive concurrent GC algorithms have these, I believe), zero this
flag across all vtables.  This is the beginning of a class-unloading
- During each GC, when the GC is fetching the GC map for an object,
*unconditionally* write a value to the class reachability byte.  It may
make sense for this byte to be in either the first cache-line of the
vtable, or the cache line that points to the GC map - just make sure the
mark operation doesn't in general fetch an additional cache line.
- At a point in the sufficiently far future, when all reachable objects
are known to have been traced by the GC, sweep the vtables and check the
reachability of the classloaders.

The features of this approach are:

- Minimal additional work at GC time.  The additional write will cause
some additional memory traffic, but a) it's to memory that is already
guaranteed to be in L1 cache, and b) it's an unconditional independent
write, and c) multiple writes to common classes will be absorbed by the
write buffer.

- Space cost of at most 1 word per vtable.

- This works whether vtables are objects or VM structures

- If the relationship between a class and a vtable is not 1:1, this only
need affect the periodic sweep process, which should be infrequent and
small compared to a GC.

- shouldn't need a stop-the-world at any point.

I've implemented and tested the GC-relevant part of this in JikesRVM,
and the GC time overhead appears to be just under 1% in the MMTk
MarkSweep collector.


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