On 11/2/06, Salikh Zakirov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Geir Magnusson Jr. wrote:
> Why not use junit?

<Junit> task in implicitly assumes that you can
run all tests in single JVM instance. Though it does provide
fork-mode to run tests in separate JVM processes, it still
does not allow per-test JVM args configuration.

Which is exactly what we need for JVMTI tests, as most of the
test has their own special agent to be run with.

Salikh, the problem you described is very similar to the problem I had to
solve in JIT internal testing framework: run every test in a separate VM.  (
I've created a class that runs VM, waits until the process is finished,
reads its err and out streams and returns to the junit testcase.
+ Every native JIT test has Java prototype. Do you want to create something
similar? May be we can join our solutions?

Mikhail Fursov

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