You should be able to just put them in, ensure they don't break x86, and let the people w/ _64 systems to check


Gregory Shimansky wrote:
Salikh Zakirov wrote:

DRLVM on Linux/x86_64 has been broken for quite some time,
since commit [r467997] HARMONY-1942, back-branch polling TLS offset is incorrect.
Several people noticed this and came up with solutions:
HARMONY-2017 Linux em64t build failed due to typeInt32 is undefined in Ia32BBPolling.cpp
HARMONY-2040 fix compilation and disable bbp on linux/x86_64

HARMONY-2017 has a patch with a solution to the problem,
while HARMONY-2040 provides only a workaround.

I suggest to commit HARMONY-2017 and close HARMONY-2040 as duplicate.

Could some committer take care of this issue? Gregory?

I've closed HARMONY-2040 and is going to work on HARMONY-2017 now. It may take a while to set up everything correctly on x86_64.

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