Etienne Gagnon wrote:
Alexey Varlamov wrote:
Sorry if it was already discussed, but I believe this approach also
requires marking vtable bit/byte on each object allocation, unitl the
"unloading" GC pass is strictly stop-the-world full-heap collection.
Robin, did you include this particular overhead too in your

I didn't include it - having established that it's cheap during GC where memory bandwidth is at a premium, I kind of took this for granted.

My proposal already argued that vtable bit/byte/word marking is
unnecessary for "nursery allocations".  You only need to mark the vtable
of objects that survive collection and pretenured objects.

And this is a persuasive argument. But I can probably find time to measure it tomorrow if you aren't convinced.

Robin Garner
Dept. of Computer Science
Australian National University

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